Friday, July 31, 2009

Enough of this Shit

I've had it with all this "birther" nonsense. Just. Fucking. Stop. President Obama has already released his birth certificate, as provided by the state of Hawaii. But this wasn't good enough for you bunch of whiners. It's not the "long form" birth certificate. Wah. The state of Hawaii doesn't release the orginal BC. No matter who you are, if you request a BC from Hawaii, they give you a document which looks exactly like the one President Obama released to the public. NO exceptions.

Ooh, he's the president, you whine. If he wanted to, he could get the original, you say. Maybe he could, but why should he? The document he provided is perfectly acceptable, unless you're a complete whackjob. Another good reason he shouldn't exercise his presidential authority to force Hawaii to release the original is because as soon as he did so, Rush Limbaugh and other conservative douchenozzles would jump all over him for "overstepping" his presidential authority and overriding state laws. They'd use that as an excuse to stir their listeners into a frenzy by telling them President Obama is acting like a dictator without regard for the law.

Honestly, if Barack Obama wasn't a US citizen, don't you think the McCain campaign would have found this out? What about the Clinton campaign? Do you really think Hillary would have played nice and not disclosed this information? Both of these campaigns spent millions of dollars running against President Obama. Do you think maybe they might have looked into his background at all? Sweet everloving Vinnie, I am sick of this shit.

Look no one is saying you have to like the president or agree with his politics. I'm the last person who would discourage a dissenting opinion, not after the last 8 years we spent with Captain Funnypants running the show. Dissent away. But please, just stop with the nonsense. You may not like him, but that doesn't make him any less of an American.

1 comment:

  1. Holy shite! Obama's middle name is Hussein? Does the right know about this?!?
